
1. Rai, A., Choi, Y. J., Yoshihama, M. & Dabby, C. (2022). Help-seeking among battered immigrant Filipina, Indian, and Pakistani women in the United States: Perceived Barriers and helpful responses, 36 (6), Violence and Victims. https://doi:10.1891/VV-D-20-00127

2. Rai, A., & Choi, Y. J. (2021). Domestic Violence Victimization among South Asian Immigrant Men and Women in the United States. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

3. Rai, A., Grossman, S. & Perkins, N. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on family violence in immigrant communities in the United States. Greenwich Social Work Review, 2(1), 84- 96.

4. Rai, A. (2020). Indirect experiences with domestic violence and help-seeking preferences among South Asian Immigrants in the United States. Journal of Community Psychology, 1-20.

5. Mahapatra, N. & Rai, A. (2019). Every cloud has a silver lining but… “pathways to seeking formal-help and South-Asian immigrant women survivors of intimate partner violence.” Health Care for Women International, 40 (11), 1170-1196.

6. Rai, A., & Choi, Y. J. (2018). Socio-cultural risk factors impacting domestic violence among South Asian immigrant women: A scoping review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 38, 76-85.

7. Lundy, M. & Grossman, S.F. (2008) Mexican immigrant families in the U.S: A review of the literature. Social Trabajando , Novembre:147-170. (contact author for a copy)

8. Grossman, S. F. & Lundy, M. (2007). Domestic violence across race and ethnicity: Implications for practice and policy, Violence Against Women,13(10),1029-1052. DOI: 10.1177/1077801207306018

9.Rai, A., Perkins, N. H., Grossman, S. F., & Malazarte, N. (2022). Development of BRAKE the Cycle: A Culturally Responsive Bystander Intervention for South Asian Immigrants in the United States. Families in Society.

Note : Please contact us at if you are unable to access any of these resources.

Thank you to all community members, thought partners, students, who supported the research team, as we developed this intervention. We would also like to thank Tarun Aggarwal, Dr. Udayan Das for initial ideation and Nikki Malazarte for support in resource compilation

This is not a hotline or direct service provision agency. For support please contact resources in your area or national hotlines.

The content for B.R.A.K.E., the cycle has been copyrighted by the B.R.A.K.E., the cycle team. If you are interested in using these materials in another setting, adapting them for your local use, or partnering with the BRAKE team, please contact us at

B.R.A.K.E., the cycle. All rights reserved © 2024