Low cost or Free
Free & Low Cost
Legal service name
Ohio Statewide Legal Services Association
555 Buttles Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215
Intake hours/Phone line
Not Available
Email/Contact form
Phone Hotline
1 (614) 221-7201
Office phone
1 (614) 236-6730
Communities served
36 countries
It has two direct service components (Southeastern Ohio Legal Services and the Legal Aid Society of Columbus) and an advocacy and support component (the Ohio Poverty Law Center). OSLSA’s administrative offices and the Ohio Poverty Law Center are located at 555 Buttles Avenue in Columbus. The Legal Aid Society of Columbus is located at 1108 City Park in Columbus. Direct service offices are also located throughout central and southeastern Ohio, covering 36 counties. Southeastern Ohio Legal Services (SEOLS) and the Legal Aid Society of Columbus (LASC) provide free legal representation to low-income clients in a number of civil legal problems. SEOLS and LASC do not provide criminal defense representation. They handle public benefits, housing, unemployment compensation, family, consumer, education, employment, health and other matters